Pay Per Click


Our PPC Marketing services are highly targeted and cost-efficient while being effective. We optimize your PPC campaigns and keep them profitable via smart decisions based entirely on data, such that web traffic increases instantly. A small ad referring to your website or business appears at the top of the search page for all search engine interactions that involve the relevant keywords that we define.


A website will benefit only when highly qualified and relevant traffic visits its store. We research your target customer profile and demographics in detail before a PPC campaign for your business goes Live. Here, we consider the search intent of your end customers and use only the keywords that are used most often. The local search intent of your end customers may be highlighted here.


We strategically figure out the keywords to be used for your PPC campaigns and use them nicely in the text for PPC ads. This will entice your end customers to click on the ads, but you’d have to pay only if a visitor actually clicks on the ad. These sponsored ads will bring qualified traffic and conversions to your website. We will provide you with a comprehensive PPC / SEM / AdWords strategy outlining our recommended techniques for reaching your audience and rolling out a campaign that delivers on your digital objectives and goals.

Key Performance Indicators(KPI)

No brand, product, industry, or campaign is the same. We work with you to ensure you reach your goals and use meaningful KPIs to measure the effectiveness of the PPC campaign. Whether your conversion is a purchase, a lead generation form, or a download, we can track, report on, and optimize the campaign to deliver these objectives.

Campaign Setup and Execution

Search Ads

Ad Groups

The sub-division of your campaign will be conducted under specific ad groups. This facilitates the best possible optimization between different industries, product categories, or geographies targeted by the campaign.

Advanced Tools for Keyword Research

We deliver more than just a list of words! We start with an initial consultation to discuss your product/service, clients, industry, and competition. Next, we use the most sophisticated tools to uncover the keywords that will perform the best for your campaign. We also determine which terms and phrases your customers are exactly searching for.

Text Ad Development

Next, we take those keywords and build you the best search ads possible. We write the best copy to catch your customer’s eye using features such as site links, call extensions, callouts, and more.

Landing Pages

While often overlooked, optimizing landing pages is a key part of successful digital marketing campaigns, such as PPC marketing services. We provide valuable feedback on the structure and content of your landing pages to make the best use of every dollar spent sending customers to them. The better your landing page, the higher quality score your ads will have, and the more conversions you will see.

Bid Optimization

We will use the bidding strategy best aligned with the identified KPIs of the campaign. This may be Cost per Click (CPC), Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM), or Cost per Acquisition (CPA).

ppc campaign example

Display Ads and Remarketing

Through sophisticated online targeting tactics, we deliver your brand message to the right consumer at the right time. We will use a combination of the tactics below to best target your consumer.

  • Contextual Targeting – We show your ads exactly when the audience is contextually consuming the content relevant to your product.
  • Interest Categories – We reach out to your target audience, showing them relevant messages across the web.
  • Remarketing – We bring your customers back! These customers have shown interest in your product but did not convert. We remind the consumers of your products and entice them to follow through and purchase.

Video Ads (YouTube)

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, second only to Google. Over YouTube, we will present your brand message before your ideal audience using an impactful video. Using YouTube’s TruView ad format, you will only pay when a user views your video for 30 seconds, or to completion, whichever comes first.

Campaign Management

Managing PPC campaigns takes a lot of time, something most business owners and marketers don’t have. We’re here to help you for PPC marketing services. On a monthly, weekly, or daily basis, our optimization experts will manage and optimize your campaign. This includes but is not limited to removing underperforming ads/keywords, testing new ads/keywords, adding negative keywords, and landing page optimization recommendations to improve quality scores.


We provide monthly reports that include valuable campaign metrics and results, as well as a summary of all the awesome optimizations and insights we have from the previous month. We will let you know which ad groups, ads, and keywords are performing the best, and what we are doing to deliver the most conversions.

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